wM Integration Server Service Profiler, v1.5

Release Notes

What's New in v1.5

This version is required for compliance with Integration Server v9.9 and above. However, a few extra features have also been added, along with some corrections.

Check the Version History for information on the evolution of the new features and the corrections.

This version of the Service Profiler is still compatible with Integration Servers v6.x, v7.x, v8x and other v9.x prior to v9.9.

webMethods v9.6 and above

The file structure and startup of the Integration Server has been changed considerably, affecting the setup of the environment for the Service Profiler and which files need to be edited and also the nature of the changes. Nevertheless, we have managed to normalize the instructions for all Integration Server v9.x.

The v9.10 of the platform completely changes the visual style of the Integration Server pages, a visual that we choose not to follow.

However, for Integration Server v9.6 and above, the installation changed especially to normalize it and dynamically cope with the installation of FIXes:

Changes to Installation Instructions

Since v1.4, the installation instructions are no longer in a plain text file and are neither detailed in the User Guide.

The detailed installation instructions are available as a dynamic webpage accessible from the download page at the website.

You choose your environment configuration, apply it, and the instructions text changes accordingly.

View Per Service Analysis

Added red and amber alerts to the View Per Service dashboard based on errors percentage thresholds.

These thresholds have default values that can be customized via documented properties.

Package Coverage Analysis

The analysis can now be done againts the server's Service Usage Statistics instead of just against the usage statisctics of the snapshot.

Additionally, a summary page of the server's Server Usage Statistics in tabular form, sortable by any column, has been added.

Browse Snapshot dashboard

Added a bar-chart to the service details pane, intended to quickly identify which of direct child nodes have the greatest weight in the total elapsed time of the selected service, and also hinting where to drilldown further

View Per User Analysis

Basic information about users has been added to the snapshots and a new View Per User dashboard has been created.

All dashboards

Package Exclusion Patterns can be completely suppressed without having to persist changes to them in the administration page, with the new Ignore ALL Package Exclusion Patterns option, added to all the dashboards.

The new user information is present in all dashboards.


Snapshots can now be exported in JSON format.


Reset counters, from the GUI, without stopping the profiler.

Top frame auto-refresh is configurable via a property.

Bug Corrections

Deprecated Features

No further specific effort to support IE with version less than 11, especially IE8 and previous. The repercussions may happen when rendering new or advanced visual options in the same way that most recent browser natively support and make it easier.


For upgrading from a version prior to v1.3, it is recommended to completely uninstall the previous version and install the new version from scratch.

For upgrading from v1.4:

Supported JVMs

The Service Profiler has been successfully tested using SUN, ORACLE, HP and IBM JVMs v1.3.1, v1.4.x, v1.5.0, v1.6*, v1.7** and v1.8***.

When using JREs other than the Integration default one, make sure to make the tools.jar available, usually by putting it into the ext folder. This library is not included with the JRE installations, but is part of the JDK. The Integration Server default JVM includes this library (even though it is not guaranteed that it will always do so) for it's needed for some functionality, such as JSPs.

* Only with webMethods platform v8.0 or above.

** Only with webMethods platform v9.0 or above.

*** Only with webMethods platform v9.7 or above.

Supported Operating Systems & CPU Architectures

The Service Profiler can run in any of the Operating Systems and CPU architectures supported by the webMethods Integration Server. However, it is not ready available in all of them.

The list of currently ready-available Operating and CPU architectures are as follows*:

* The list of supported Operating Systems may change through the release of new patches.

Known Limitations/Issues