www.wrightia.com (c) 2006-2017
Please choose the closest match to your installation environment:
The Service Profiler is a tool to collect and analyze runtime information about Integration Server Services.
It is intended to have a small footprint while running, be easy and fast to install and uninstall, and to require no configuration over the Services being profiled.
Before attempting to perform the installation, first read this document to the end.
Install the profiler by installing the following Integration Server Packages, in the order they are presented:
When this package is installed it may have load errors leaving it as partial. This is because some its Java services reference classes that reside in libraries in the static folder and these are only mounted when the Integration Server (re)starts.
The installation of this package does not give immediate access to the tools functionality and it will be partially disabled. To fully enable the tool, the installation needs extra steps to be complete (please read further).
The presented ZIP filenames may have a version suffix appended to its name. These suffixes are not shown here so that this readme can be independent from their specific versions.
After installing the Integration Server Packages the installation must be completed by configuring the Integration Server. Perform the following steps:
Save a copy of the file server.shbat as server.org.shbat;
Edit the script file server.shbat and insert a call to a setenv.shbat script at the point shown below with this style and as indicated.
. "${IS_DIR}"/serviceprofiler/bin/setenv.sh
export LIBPATH
## .... run Integration Server
${JAVA_RUN} -DWM_HOME=${WM_HOME} -classpath ${CLASSPATH} ...
Call %IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat
set PATH=%PATH%;%IS_DIR%\support\win32;%IS_DIR%\jvm\bin\classic;%IS_DIR%\lib;
rem Run as an NT service ? If so, save program arguments to Registry
if "1%1"=="1-service" (
There is no additional setting for using the Service Profiler on an Integration Server running as a Windows (NT, W2K, XP) Service.
If the Integration Server is already running as a Windows Service you need to unregister it and register it again. The same is valid when uninstalling the tool. As required and documented by Software AG, all actions that change the Java command line require the Windows Service to be unregistred and be registered again.
When the tool is first installed there is no License Key set and any attempt to perform an action will result in a License not set exception.
Access the Service Profiler licensing page and set the License Key.
The Integration Server can be prevented from starting with the Service Profiler, without the need to uninstall it, by means of putting a file named ISSPROF_VOID in the <wm_dir>/IntegrationServer folder. The presence of this file skips the loading sequence. A direct result is having the functionality links in the tool menu disabled.
Important: When installing webMethods updates (i.e., FIXes, Service Packs, etc.) the server.shbat script may be overwritten thus disabling the Service Profiler start-up. When this happens, just repeat the script-editing step described above.
The webMethods v8.2 shell scripts introduce the segregation of starting the JVM into a specific script: <wm_dir>/profiles/IS/bin/start_runtime.shbat.
So, with this version it is not the server.shbat that has to be edited, but rather the start_runtime.shbat.
Save a copy of the file start_runtime.shbat as start_runtime.org.shbat;
To continue using the server.shbat to start the Integration Server, all there is to do is to add the line...
. "${IS_DIR}"/serviceprofiler/bin/setenv.shbat
Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat"
... right before the Java starting command line in start_runtime.shbat, at the point shown below with this style and as indicated.
. "${IS_DIR}"/serviceprofiler/bin/setenv.sh
echo "Starting as an application using Java because it is not set to use Tanuki Wrapper."
if "%USE_WRAPPER%"=="yes" (
goto use_wrapper
Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat"
echo Starting as an application using Java.
%JAVA_RUN% %JAVA_OPTS% %JAVA_SYSPROPS% -jar %OSGI_FRAMEWORK_JAR% -debug -configuration %OSGI_CONFIGURATION_AREA% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Save a copy of the file server.bat as server.org.bat.
To be able to use the Service Profiler with an Integration Server running as a Windows NT Service, the same statement that was added to start_runtime.bat needs to be added to the server.bat. So, in server.bat to add the line...
Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat"
... right before the LOCKFILE removal statement, at the point shown below with this style and as indicated.
rem Run as an NT service ? If so, save program arguments to Registry
rem Run as Server JVM
set SERVER_VM_OPT=-server
if "1%1"=="1-service" (
Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat"
"%JAVA_EXEC%" -classpath %IS_PROXY_JAR% com.wm.app.server.CustomServiceUpdater -isdir "%IS_DIR%" -wrapperdir "%IS_DIR%\..\profiles\IS\configuration" -binpath "%PATH%" -jvmargs "%SERVER_VM_OPT% %JAVA2_MEMSET% %JAVA_OPTS%" -progargs %3#%4#%5#%6#%7#%8#%9
goto :EOF
If the Integration Server is already registered as a Windows NT Service you need to first unregister it and register it again. The registration must be done only after the changes indicated above. The same is valid when uninstalling the tool. As required and documented by Software AG, all actions that change the Java command line require the Windows Service to be unregistred and be registered again.
When the tool is first installed there is no License Key set and any attempt to perform an action will result in a License not set exception.
Access the Service Profiler licensing page and set the License Key.
To the use of the Tanuki wrapper, the preparation scripts already create the necessary configuration settings and add them to the <wm_dir>/profiles/IS/configuration/wrapper.conf. A copy of the file before the changes were made is saved with the name wrapper.conf.beforeissprof.
Important: When installing webMethods updates (i.e., FIXes, Service Packs, etc.) the startup scripts may be overwritten thus disabling the Service Profiler start-up. When this happens, just repeat all the script-editing steps.
To use Java 8, you must use the lastest version of the Service Profiler (or at least v1.4 build 9348).
Upgrading: If you have a previous v1.4 of the tool and have already upgraded the Integration Server with Java 8 and now your are stuck with a server that does not start, you will have to prevent the Service Profiler from loading and install the newest version of the tool's package, by performing the following steps:
It is located under the Integration Server's home folder.
Just install them as regular packages, on top of the existing ones.
A simple restart will not work.
The Integration Server should start with no issues and the Service Profiler should be working normally. No further actions are required.
If you are not upgrading on top a current v1.4 of the tool, you have to perform a full installation, as follows.
Full installation (continued):
Important: For Integration Server v9.6 and above, the Service Profiler must be v1.4 or above.
Save a copy of the file startup.shruntime.bat as startup.org.shruntime.org.bat, located in <wm_dir>/profiles/ISIS_<instance>/bin;
Save a copy of the file(s) going to be edited, in the bin folder of profiles for your Integration Server instance:
Important: Since v9.7 the startup.shbat shell script available from within the Integration Server instance file structure is being deprecated in favor of the startup script from within the profiles structure. This has already impact in some v9.x installations where some environment variables are no longer available. One of them is IS_DIR.
To overcome that limitation we need to add a statement that sets the IS_DIR enviroment variable (what is being shown is just an example and you should use the path and instance name of your installation), at the point shown below with this style and as indicated.
Edit the runtime.bat script file and costumize as indicated.
rem =================================== Start ===================================
Set IS_DIR=C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\instances\default
Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat"
if [ -z "$IS_DIR" ]; then
DIRNAME=`dirname $0`
LOGFILE=$DIRNAME/../logs/`basename $0`.out
And also add the line...
. "${IS_DIR}"/serviceprofiler/bin/setenv.shbat
Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat"
... right before the structure that starts the Java in startup.sh, at the point shown below with this style and as indicated.
. "${IS_DIR}"/serviceprofiler/bin/setenv.sh
if [ "${USE_WRAPPER}" = "yes" ]; then
if [ "$STARTUP_MODE" = "console" ]; then
echo "Starting console mode using Tanuki Wrapper..."
if [ "${BLOCKING_SCRIPT}" = "yes" ]; then
nohup ${WRAPPER_SCRIPT} console > $LOGFILE 2>&1 &
echo "Checking is started..."
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "Starting daemon using Tanuki Wrapper..."
echo "Starting as an application using Java because it is not set to use Tanuki Wrapper."
If the server is running as a Windows NT Service and to be able to set it up, the service.bat script needs to be edited and customized as indicated.
... :doConf set _WRAPPER_CONF="C:\SoftwareAG\profiles\IS_default\configuration\wrapper.conf" Set IS_DIR=C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\instances\default If "%1"=="-install" Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat" If "%1"=="-installstart" Call "%IS_DIR%\serviceprofiler\bin\setenv.bat" :execCmd ...
Important: If the Integration Server is already registered as a Windows NT Service you need to unregister it and register it again. The same is valid when uninstalling the tool.
When the tool is first installed there is no License Key set and any attempt to perform an action will result in a License not set exception.
Access the Service Profiler licensing page and set the License Key.
To use the Tanuki wrapper, the preparation scripts already create the necessary profile configuration settings and add them to the corresponding Integration Server intance custom_wrapper.conf. A copy of the file before the changes were made is saved with the name custom_wrapper.conf.beforeissprof.
Important: When installing webMethods updates (i.e., FIXes, Service Packs, etc.) the startup scripts may be overwritten thus disabling the Service Profiler startup. When this happens, just repeat all the script-editing steps.
To uninstall the tool:
Depending on the server version, which files are these may vary.
Optionally, you can also remove the Integration Server Packages WiaRuntimeEcosystem, WiaUtilities and WiaRoot.
Due to the nature of the tool, its architecture and the runtime behaviour, and also depending on the nature of the upgrade it may require steps beyond the simple (re)installation of an Integration Server Package and/or patch.
For upgrade of versions prior to v1.4, do a complete uninstall and re-install.
For upgrade of v1.4 just reinstall the new package version of the tool and immediately after that do a complete shutdown of the Integration Server followed by a startup (a simple restart will not do).
The Profiling Whitepaper is recommended as the next reading document. This document is available for download from Wrightia's website. A direct link to it is provided in the installed WiaServiceProfiler Integration Server Package (see its Info page, from the main menu).
The About page includes an abstract of the Service Profiler, and links to Release Notes and Version History.
The Online Help is contextual and is available from any page, at the top-right, and is useful to quickly check the way to use the tool.
The Info page also gives access to the User Guide, which is a more detailed documentat about using the Service Profiler, concerning all the aspects about using the tool, including troubleshooting the installation.