Updates download
22-NOV-2016 :: Patch #7 for v1.5
This patch is not required for the latest version of the tool available for download.
This patch includes and replaces all previous patches for v1.5.
You may upgrade an existing v1.5 by installing the latest full version on top of it, but you still need to check in this patch readme file for any installation action that may be needed for your environment.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #7 for v1.5
19-SEP-2014 :: Patch #5 for v1.3
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaRoot v1.0.3
IS Package WiaUtilities v1.9.2
IS Package WiaRuntimeEcosystem v1.0
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #5 for v1.3
25-AUG-2013 :: Patch #4 for v1.3
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaRoot v1.0.2
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #4 for v1.3
10-SEP-2012 :: Patch #3 for v1.3
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaUtilities v1.7.2
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #3 for v1.3
04-FEB-2012 :: Patch #2 for v1.3
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #2 for v1.3
17-JAN-2012 :: Patch #1 for v1.3
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #1 for v1.3
04-JAN-2012 :: Patch #2 for v1.2.2
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #2 for v1.2.2
11-APR-2011 :: Patch #1 for v1.2.1
This patch is only required for Solaris on intel platforms.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #1 for v1.2.1
28-FEB-2011 :: Patch #2 for v1.2
This patch includes all previous patches for v1.2, upgrades the tool to v1.2.1 and corrects some issues on AIX.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #2 for v1.2
25-JUN-2010 :: Patch #4 for v1.1
This patch includes all previous patches for this version, some more bug corrections and new features (including support for webMethods v8.0).
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #4 for v1.1
13-APR-2010 :: Patch #2 for v1.0.3
This patch corrects a very specific bug related with the tree presentation in some browsers.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #2 for v1.0.3
10-NOV-2009 :: Patch #1 for v1.0.3
This patch corrects a very specific bug.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #1 for v1.0.3
10-NOV-2009 :: Patch #5 for v1.0.2
This patch corrects a very specific bug.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #5 for v1.0.2
05-NOV-2009 :: Patch #4 for v1.0.2
This patch includes, replaces and deprecates all previous patches for v1.0.2 and upgrades the Service Profiler to v1.0.3
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #4 for v1.0.2
05-OUT-2009 :: Patch #6 for v1.0.1
This patch upgrades the Service Profiler to v1.0.2.
Please check the readme file for contents and dependencies.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #6 for v1.0.1
17-AGO-2009 :: Patch #5 for v1.0.1
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #5 for v1.0.1
15-AGO-2009 :: Patch #4 for v1.0.1
This patch includes, replaces and deprecates all previous patches for v1.0.1.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Patch #4 for v1.0.1
26-JUN-2009 :: Upgrade v1.0 to v1.0.1
This patch upgrades v1.0 to v1.0.1.
IS Package WiaServiceProfiler Upgrade v1.0 to v1.0.1